Inbound Marketing (Page 161)

google_authorship_removes_profile_pictureYesterday, Google’s John Muller made an announcement that broke marketers’ hearts: Google Authorship’s about to get a makeover. And it’s not the type of makeover that makes you say “ooo” and “ahh” and “how wonderful” — it’s the kind that could impact your search traffic. 

Google’s getting rid of author profile pictures and Google+ circle counts on desktop and mobile search. So search results that used to look like this:

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Think about all the times you’ve signed up for things in your life. Did you once download Evernote? Dropbox? Spotify? Maybe you’ve even taken a class on General Assembly.

Each one of these signups is likely a result of an effective call-to-action.

And it’s really important to guide your visitors through the buying journey using strategic calls-to-action (CTAs).

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BlogNewsletterImageI’m not gonna lie, email newsletters can be pretty bad, but that doesn’t mean all newsletters have to be that way. I’ve read some that I absolutely love. The difference between a great newsletter and a terrible newsletter is the latter tends to include the whole kitchen sink while the former cuts out the riff-raff to let the good stuff shine. 

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