Natural law

When making a phone call, if you dial the numbers right, it works. Children who have never used a phone often have trouble making it work right for a while, just as we can have trouble making the laws of success work to achieve our goals. It takes practice! WhenContinue Reading

The Law of Vibration (you may have heard people call it the Law of Attraction) is a natural law of the Universe. In other words, so long as you live in harmony with the law, all that you need to accomplish your goals can become available to you in aContinue Reading

I remember when my husband and I were trying to live on about $1200/month.  We were both working full time and fighting a losing battle to stay afloat. We listened to motivational audios that urged us to believe in our dreams, and we knew that we could have any kindContinue Reading

A few years ago, I stepped outside of my home and unexpectedly witnessed what you see here – and it stopped me in my tracks.  It seemed impossible, but it was real. A huge 747 airplane flew by so low, and so slow that it hardly seemed to be moving. Continue Reading

What would happen if you could feel grateful for EVERYTHING?
Is it even possible to feel grateful for everything? The fact is, feeling good about your problems literally activates certain laws of success for happier outcomes.
And who doesn’t want happier outcomes?
I talked about the following just two weeks ago, but this piece merits a repeat:
When you change how you feel, the nature of your surroundings begins to shift ever so slightly. People begin to respond to you differently. Someone who may not have had two words for you before may suddenly feel compelled to talk with you,… Read moreContinue Reading

Here’s a question I received that I think is worth discussing. The reader said:
“Since reading the Jackrabbit Factor and feeling elated, it seems that our finances have gone down the tubes. I have not been able to pay bills on time, money is taking longer than usual to come in, we have bounced checks, etc. I know right now I am dwelling on the negative, but wondered why this is happening just at the time that I feel I have discovered the answer?”
Here’s my reply, somewhat modified:
When you’re aiming for big changes, it’s normal to face equally… Read moreContinue Reading

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of what your spouse is supposed to be doing.
Heck, it can be hard enough achieving goals with all the lofty expectations of what YOU are supposed to be doing!
At one time I had to come to terms with the fact that I was in another one of those “temporary seasons of imbalance” and decided to just hunker down and get through it. My husband agreed, and was there to support me, filling in gaps wherever… Read moreContinue Reading

An excellent question came in recently. This couple has been studying the book Hidden Treasures, and wanted to use the Vacuum Law of Prosperity as described in the final chapter to replace their car. Read their question, and then see how I answered them. (Names have been changed):
“I re-read Hidden Treasures, finishing it last night with my wife. When we got to the bonus chapter about nature abhorring a vacuum, in the questionnaire it asks what is something we own that we don’t like. Well that would be our car, we still owe close to $6,000.00 on it.… Read moreContinue Reading

If we could conduct a scientific experiment with all the variables perfectly controlled where two people with the same upbringing, with the same experiences, with the same DNA and everything else were thrown the very same challenge…
…their circumstances and results from that point on would be different from each other – depending on the thoughts they chose in the face of that challenge.
Now, I can’t prove it. But I know it’s true. I’ve seen a very real and strong connection between the thoughts I choose and the results I get.
So knowing this, I try to choose empowering… Read moreContinue Reading

Does life ever seem unfair?
Maybe you’ve dealt with more than your fair share of financial struggles. Perhaps you’ve had the feeling that your big break is just around the corner, but that corner never comes. Learn the seven laws that govern the flow of blessings you receive. The laws are like a kite string… and we are the kite. Without the string, we are tossed in the wind, and struggle to soar. But with an understanding of the laws, we can rise to remarkable heights.
As we learn the laws and live by them, we come to realize how… Read moreContinue Reading

Interesting story to preface…
Someone emailed me the other day to tell me that she thinks I’m a lovely person and all, but that my writings have too much of a ‘religious’ tone to them. She was polite and appreciative, but clearly wishing she could learn the principles from a more secular point of view.
I can appreciate that. I respect her point of view and certainly never intend to offend anyone by focusing on how to partner with God to accomplish goals. After all, one of my foundational tenets comes from the Articles of Faith, specifically #11:
[I] claim… Read moreContinue Reading