TOFU (Page 7)

The other day, I was in the grocery store. I overheard a cart-bound little kid asking his mom question after question. “Mom, why do they put so many apples out at once?” he asked as they browsed the produce section. “Mom, what’s Ocean Spray?” he speculated from one aisle over.

His enthusiasm and investigative demeanor got me thinking about my own level of curiosity.

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Although we hear about the health benefits of regular exercise all the time, hectic schedules can make it seem impossible to fit workouts in. The prospect of packing a gym bag, trudging to your local gym, working out, showering, changing, and trudging back to where you came from takes an awful lot of time.

But you aren’t doing yourself any favors by disregarding your health.

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When you think of Santa Claus, we’re willing to bet that words like “jolly,” “bearded,” and “rosy-cheeked” come to mind. After all, that’s the image of Santa many of us — regardless of age — have grown to know and love, right?

The mall Santa that our parents forced us to take an annual photo with (despite the trauma it caused). The Santa we watched Tim Allen transform into in the first installment of The Santa Clause trilogy. And the Santa we’ve seen used in countless holiday advertisements — from Coca-Cola to Kodak. 

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Whether you’re driving across town, stuck on a layover, or settling down for an overnight train ride, you’re going to have some time to kill the next time you travel. If you’re anything like me, spending hours window shopping at the airport or scrolling aimlessly through your Facebook News Feed feels like a total waste of time.

But there are much better ways to pass the time while traveling — which is why we’ve curated a list of our absolute favorite movies, TV shows, podcasts, books, and apps that our readers might also enjoy.

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Work and a busy schedule can take a lot out of a person. Thankfully, the holidays are a great time to slow down, recharge, spend time seeing your loved ones, and do things you wouldn’t normally have time to do.

While it can be tempting to fill your holiday schedule with travel and funtivities, there is something to be said about making time to tackle some of the things that have been collecting dust in your mental backlog.

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Team messaging tools such as Slack and HipChat do wonders to streamline our day-to-day communications at work. But what about those times when you know what you want to say, but words (and your standard arsenal of pictures and GIFs) fail you?

Trust me, we’ve been there too.

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With 2016 quickly approaching, now seems like a better time than ever to rid your desktop of the ghosts of projects past.

You know what I’m talking about — all those forgotten documents and miscellaneous screenshots that have been slowly taking over your screen for weeks and months.

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Every holiday season, it’s like the floodgates burst open: All of a sudden, there are holiday marketing campaigns everywhere. Every business is trying to cash in on the spending frenzy with emails, social media posts, television advertisements, and other related efforts.

While these campaigns can sometimes seem out of control, many brands out there actually do their holiday marketing very, very well.

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They see you when you’re slacking. They know when you come in late. They know if you’ve been bad or good so be good for your work’s Secret Santa exchange.

But that’s not how the song — or the Secret Santa exchange — really goes … 

You spend all day with your coworkers, but come time for your annual gift exchange, you’re stuck trying to figure out exactly what Suzie will want that’s also in your price range.

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You know the phrase, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? That’s how I feel about to-do lists. 

After all, how you track your tasks depends entirely on the person. Are you looking for a simple interface, or are you hoping to color-code and categorize hundreds of tasks at once? Is this to-do list for yourself, you and your family, or you and your entire team? How much do aesthetics matter?

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How many times have you uttered the phrase, “I wish I’d thought of that”?

It often seems that certain people have the power to formulate creative, inspired ideas, but the truth is, you and I are just as capable as the next person. 

Sure, unleashing your creativity isn’t always easy — especially when you’re brainstorming in a group setting.

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Before the days of smartphones — if you can remember such a time — taking a great photo was a labor-intensive process. You’d have buy a fancy camera and editing software for your desktop computer, and invest some serious time and energy into learning how to use them.

But thanks to our mobile devices and the editing apps that come with them, we can now take high quality photos and edit them without too many bells and whistles — all from the same device that we use to make calls.

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