Content Marketing (Page 6)

“Everything’s already been thought of.”

“I don’t even know where to start.”

“I’m just not a creative person.”

We’ve all had those frustrating moments when when we’re expected to come up with a brilliant new idea, but no matter how much we squint at our computer screens, we just can’t seem to think of anything good.

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The simple dream of most writers is being able to write more. And it’s not only writing more, it’s writing effortlessly.

But it’s not just authors or professional writers who dream of this. These days, a lot of marketing roles will require you to dust of your writing skills at one point or another. And there’s nothing worse than simply not being able to write — especially when the pressure of a deadline is looming over your head.

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Here’s the truth: There’s no guarantee that anyone will actually read your writing online. You have to compel them to do that. And one way to do so is to create writing that’s effortless to consume.

Not sure where to start? That’s okay. This article will teach you the fundamentals. You’ll learn how to drive audiences to read every word you write.

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Do you have what it takes to succeed in today’s modern marketing world?

As the marketing landscape continues to shift, the requirements and expectations surrounding content marketing roles are evolving. Even if you’ve got the strongest writing chops in the game, you’ll need to find other ways to expand your skills if you want to differentiate yourself.

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As marketers, we all face the same challenge: how do we stay on top of the news and trends that matter to our industry?

Our inboxes are overflowing. Our Twitter feeds never stop scrolling. Our bookmarks folder is stuffed to capacity. And yet, more than ever, our clients and coworkers depend on us to bring order to the chaos.

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For as long as we can remember, newsrooms have used data to support their stories. Whether it’s elections, global warming, or Oscar predictions, writers and reporters dig deep for facts and statistics that’ll add credibility to their claims.

However, in recent years, data journalism has become the norm in almost every industry.

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Before we publish anything on the HubSpot blog, we always take a minute to optimize its URL for both our readers and search engines. It’s an SEO best practice that’s withstood Google’s many algorithm changes over the years.

While your URL structure isn’t the be-all-end-all of your SEO efforts, using SEO-friendly URLs on your site can give you an edge over your competitors in search.

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Instagram? Snapchat? Facebook Messenger? What’s next? I was just getting started on Twitter and Facebook!

That’s how most of us feel when we’re rethinking our social media strategy. Social networks are changing, but not as fast as user behavior and content are, and that’s leading to completely new networks that are disrupting the status quo.

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With over 400 million active users, brands are quickly recognizing the need to have a presence on Instagram.

But, as with any social network, the brands that are getting the most out of Instagram are the ones who are smart about what they post, when they post, how often they post, and whom they’re targeting.

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Most content managers are always on the lookout for new guest bloggers — especially those struggling with internal bandwidth. 

Oppositely, those dealing with a packed editorial calendar can still benefit from making room for a fresh perspective every now and then. 

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When it comes to establishing trust, it doesn’t matter how compelling your calls-to-action are, how engaging your content is, or how quickly your pages load on mobile screens. If visitors to your site have any doubts about how trustworthy you are, they’ll bounce right out and never come back.

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In an industry fixated on rapid growth, any slowdown in user acquisition or monitization sounds alarms. And Twitter, whether it likes it or not, has been sounding a lot of them lately.

Not only is it facing stagnant monthly active user growth, but the revenue generated from those users has disappointed a market accustomed to steady tech progression.

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Trying to go viral? It seems like everyone is these days. 

That’s because having a post take off can benefit your brand’s reputation tremendously — just look at how the blue and black dress (or was it white and gold?) affected BuzzFeed’s traffic.

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