Computers & IT (Page 4)

Envision your favorite website. Does it have a theme? Is the content organized in a way that makes sense? Does it match the overall aesthetic and look of the company’s branding? Are there images and other visual features paired with the written content? All of these elements, which are commonContinue Reading

Every once in a while, I’ll meet people who at once give me hope for the future and make me wonder what the heck I’ve done with my life. (I mean that, of course, in the most positive way possible.) Yesterday, I had a the privilege of meeting two suchContinue Reading

Mark Steele, a 5G awareness campaigner, has been highlighting the dangers of a secret 5G rollout by Gateshead Council where residents are complaining of increased illness and Cancer in the affected area. There’s enough evidence to conclude the new smart 5G arrays on the top of new LED lampposts emitContinue Reading

On Sept. 13, a new application called the Money Button launched, giving content creators the ability to embed bitcoin cash (BCH) payment buttons into websites. Not long after the release, a developer named Ekliptor published Cashtippr, a plugin that integrates the Money Button into WordPress-themed websites, so content creators canContinue Reading

There has been some speculation over the years about whether the late software developer, Hal Finney, was actually Satoshi Nakamoto. Some people wonder if he had any connection to the 700,000 bitcoins mined back in the earliest days of the protocol. Finney was an Extropian, or a person who believesContinue Reading

When Facebook announced last Friday that 50 million user accounts had been compromised, many of us weren’t sure what to think. Did that mean 50 million users had been exposed to content from a coordinated misinformation campaign, a la the 2016 U.S. presidential elections? Or did it mean that theirContinue Reading

On September 29, Bitcoin Cash enthusiast Donald Mulders wrote an interesting post on the social media network The post detailed that he was attempting to host a website on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain using the Bitdb 2.0 application. Following the write-up, and with a little help from theContinue Reading

On Sunday China’s oldest tech media publication, Beijing Sci-Tech Report (BSTR) also known as ‘Technology life,’ has announced the business is accepting bitcoin core (BTC) for the magazine’s 2019 subscriptions. Also read: Launching a Website on the Bitcoin Cash Network Is Now a Reality  The Publication Beijing Sci-Tech Report Now AcceptsContinue Reading

On Wednesday, September 19, a team of developers launched a platform called the Open Savings Initiative. The application allows any Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) user to save funds in a time-locked address that cannot be spent until a specific date and time has passed. Also read: Critical BugContinue Reading

Panda Security has compiled a helpful list of tips to boost WiFi signal in your home or business.  Read on to learn how to keep your WiFi functioning at its optimal performance.  And make sure to visit their blog post to get all the details! The physical location of yourContinue Reading

We have recently added our messaging platform, the Speak Easy Saloon. What is a Speak Easy Saloon ? The earliest recorded use is from an 1889 newspaper, “Unlicensed saloons in Pennsylvania are known as ‘speak-easies’.” They were “so called because of the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, orContinue Reading