pop culture (Page 7)

Last week, Facebook made a big announcement: the release of their new Instant Articles feature. It allows publishers to create and distribute mixed-media articles in a self-contained Facebook “capsule,” while promising mobile app users a more visually interesting reading experience that loads significantly faster that articles have previously.

In response, my HubSpot colleague Kipp Bodnar wrote a blog post concluding that Instant Articles is bad for marketers. But I think he’s missing the point.

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The concept of growth is a little different when you’re a marketing executive for a professional sports team.

For Adam Grossman, SVP of marketing and brand development for the Boston Red Sox, success is often dictated by two things that he can’t actually control: the team’s wins and losses. But he still has to do his job and fill seats, sell merchandise, and drive revenue for the organization.

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Choosing what to sell online is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as an entrepreneur. To be successful, you need to pick products that you’re passionate about and find an ecommerce model that resonates with your personality. With that in mind, let’s look to popular TV show Shark Tank to help you get started on the right foot –– because no one embodies passion and personality like the stars of the Tank.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

So you’re going to a conference.

What’s in store for you? You’ll attend dozens of sessions led by professionals in your industry, meet a ton of new people, and take home lots of great swag.

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The live video streaming app Meerkat was the talk of the town after its appearance at SXSW in March 2015 — but its popularity was shortlived. Just a few weeks later, Twitter released Periscope, a similar live video streaming app. Although Meerkat kicked mobile video streaming off with a bang, you’ll see in this Google Trends graph of each app’s interest over time that Periscope might be winning the race:

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“If you’re going to start a company, you have to do it for the right reasons.”

– Matt Salzberg, Founder & CEO, Blue Apron [Click To Tweet]

Blue Apron is one of today’s fastest-growing food delivery businesses — and they’ve taken a unique approach to what it means to deliver food. Instead of shipping out finished meals, they let their customers be the chefs, delivering recipes and fresh ingredients to people all over the United States.

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Most of the content I read online is short and sweet — and for the most part, I like it that way. While skimming articles on my commute or between meetings, it’s nice when the author gets right to the point. But when I have the time, there’s something really special about getting totally engrossed in a gripping, detailed, spun-out story.

That’s what a great long read does.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

In 2007, I was brand new to the storied advertising agency DDB, having been appointed chief communications officer. One of the first memos that hit my desk was a “heads up” that Doyle Dane Bernbach was going to be featured in a new television series. Creator Matthew Weiner had consulted with the agency prior to production and my arrival, but we did not know how we were to be treated in the storyline for Mad Men.

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It wasn’t until late afternoon on April Fool’s Day when I came up with the idea for an epic prank.

No, not covering a colleague’s desk with Post-It notes or planting staplers in Jell-O. I’m talking something a little more … client-facing.

Let me quickly give you some context here. My marketing consulting company, Brand Builder Solutions, is a very strong advocate of all things inbound marketing.

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Patrick Janelle has a dream job.

That’s the first thing I thought to myself when I heard him tell the audience at Social Media Week NYC that he is a full-time Instagrammer.

Yup, that’s right: Thanks to an extensive background in graphic design and a very high follower count, Patrick’s full-time job is to do cool things and go to cool places, take beautiful pictures of his experiences, and post them to his personal Instagram account, @aguynamedpatrick.

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Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or just interested in the startup world, you’ve probably heard of the reality TV show Shark Tank.

For those of you who need a refresher, here’s the premise: Each episode features four promising entrepreneurs from all walks of life who pitch their various businesses to a panel of five, cutthroat “sharks” — self-made multimillionaire and billionaire investors.

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Many of us who are grammar-conscious already know how to distinguish between their and there. We know that should of should be should have. And we’ve learned a comma is all the difference between eating dinner with Aunt Judy and eating Aunt Judy for dinner. But beyond the basics, there are still many words and expressions we’re prone to getting wrong.

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