Life Mastery (Page 2)

A few years ago, I stepped outside of my home and unexpectedly witnessed what you see here – and it stopped me in my tracks.  It seemed impossible, but it was real. A huge 747 airplane flew by so low, and so slow that it hardly seemed to be moving. Continue Reading

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and closeContinue Reading

An actual message to one of my teenagers who was complaining too much about his responsibilities: You’re doing so well in so many areas. But it saddens me that you blame dad when you don’t feel like doing your duties. You’re old enough to govern yourself, so govern yourself or be governed. If you were … Continue reading Talking to teensContinue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: optimism will lead you to financial solutions, but be smart and live responsibly in the here and now.
Here is a question from one of my readers that I thought was worthwhile to share with  you.
How do you think, especially speak, feel, and act as though you are rich, and…
A. not spend money you don’t have?
B. still give positive responses as though the money is here now to people asking you to do things you don’t have the money for???
How do you “feel” like the money is here now, when you see… Read moreContinue Reading

Could you use some help reprogramming your mind for better health?
If you’ve been struggling, take a look. This is for No Charge.
I’m participating in a gift-giveaway event this week, and noticed that some of the other contributions look pretty cool. There are ten different gifts to choose from, but here are a few that specifically caught my eye, because they are designed to help you work WITH your mind to overcome challenges that keep you from feeling your best.
Meditation & Affirmation Kit…
Includes a meditation/affirmation audio with sophisticated brainwave entrainment technology to help your subconscious mind relax… Read moreContinue Reading

If we could conduct a scientific experiment with all the variables perfectly controlled where two people with the same upbringing, with the same experiences, with the same DNA and everything else were thrown the very same challenge…
…their circumstances and results from that point on would be different from each other – depending on the thoughts they chose in the face of that challenge.
Now, I can’t prove it. But I know it’s true. I’ve seen a very real and strong connection between the thoughts I choose and the results I get.
So knowing this, I try to choose empowering… Read moreContinue Reading

Writing your eulogy while you’re still alive may seen kind of morbid, but actually, the earlier in your life you write your eulogy, the better.
What do you want people to say about you when you are gone? What would they say, or think, if you were to pass on tomorrow? Let’s operate on the assumption that you have a number of years left… at least 80 more 🙂 … and project your mind ahead to what kind of person you COULD become in that much time.
What kind of a mark could you leave on this planet? How many… Read moreContinue Reading

If you’re having trouble staying out of debt, try this on for size:
Perhaps getting out of debt should not be the goal, but something you do on the WAY to a goal.
If getting out of debt is your goal, you may inadvertently condition your subconscious mind to work continually on filling the proverbial hole. When it sees that the goal is nearly accomplished, it can sometimes automatically look for more “holes” to fill. With constant thoughts about debt, and especially with the exhilaration that comes from paying it off,  you can literally train it to pay off debt… Read moreContinue Reading

Does life ever seem unfair?
Maybe you’ve dealt with more than your fair share of financial struggles. Perhaps you’ve had the feeling that your big break is just around the corner, but that corner never comes. Learn the seven laws that govern the flow of blessings you receive. The laws are like a kite string… and we are the kite. Without the string, we are tossed in the wind, and struggle to soar. But with an understanding of the laws, we can rise to remarkable heights.
As we learn the laws and live by them, we come to realize how… Read moreContinue Reading

grumpy spouse? you have more influence than you know. Have faith – while respecting his or her free agency.
I’ve had this question come in time and again about how much our thoughts can influence a situation if our spouse’s thoughts do not support our own. If we shouldn’t manipulate another person’s freedom to choose, how does this all work in a marriage if both parties are not on the same page?
Some people have a gift of strong faith, and others struggle more to develop it. If you have an easier time with faith than your spouse, it may… Read moreContinue Reading

I’ve been in front of a few audiences over my lifetime, and yes, I’ve had that gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach as I anticipated speaking in front of all those strangers – even suffering with anxiety for days (sometimes weeks) before the event.
But I don’t feel that way about speaking anymore, thank heavens.
So what changed?
Well, there is that “getting used to it” thing. Do anything often enough and the anxiety can go away, eventually.  Even the most embarrassing of moments pale over time.
(Like the time I tried to be super clever in front… Read moreContinue Reading