Content Marketing (Page 2)

How Do You Turn Complex Topics into Content That’s Easy to Understand

Talking about why your audience should take a trip to the Maldives is fairly easy. Barring the budget constraints, they need very little convincing. So is explaining the difference two bookcases – even if you have to go into details about manufacturing processes and materials, they already know the basics of a bookcase, so you’ve […]Continue Reading

Want to grow your small business? Or perhaps you’re just trying to hold on to the customers you already have? Either way, for SMEs budgets are the biggest problem. There never seems to be enough money to fuel all your ideas or your growth plans. I spent more than 12 years working with startups and […]Continue Reading

Instagram, which is anticipated to have 1.2 billion users by 2023, provides a huge opportunity for small business owners to expand their marketing efforts, and marketers all over the world are aware of this. According to the Social Media Examiner’s social media marketing report for 2021, “78% of marketers are using Instagram.” Marketers regard it […]Continue Reading

You Don’t Have to Be a Great Writer to Write a Great Blog

I learned that you do not have to be a great writer to have a great book. The same goes for blogs. Non-writers can develop new skills and practices that turn your words and message from mediocre to excellent, and in this post, I’ll tell you how.Continue Reading

Marketing at Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators

Marketing requires money right? You may feel that because your budget is limited, so is your ability to promote your company, product or service.  While advertising on a limited budget is challenging, it is not impossible.  And in fact, when you have to get creative, sometimes the out-of the-box thinking and tactics required, can yield […]

The post 5 Scrappy Marketing Strategies When You Don’t Have a Budget appeared first on SiteProNews.

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The truly successful memes spread like wildfire. That’s exactly why marketers want to leverage these already viral pieces of creative for their own marketing.

Another benefit to meme marketing is that it’s low effort. Most of the work has already been done: It’s being shared all over social media and it has a clear concept. All you have to do is fit the meme to your brand and hit “post.”Continue Reading

The Ultimate List of 394 Email Spam Trigger Words to Avoid in 2021

Let’s take a look at what spam trigger words are, what gets emails sent to spam, and which spam words you should avoid when creating your email campaigns.

Spam filters can be triggered for a variety of reasons, causing your email to skip recipients’ inboxes and land straight in their spam inbox.Continue Reading

The enterprise sales cycle is typically measured in months, if not years. Products and services are often complex, and when you’re helping companies automate their vendor payments like I am, you’ll end up working through some process changes. Quite often, the sale involves a significant amount of dialogue around changing the “status-quo”.Continue Reading

Offering a free lead magnet in return for your website visitor’s email address used to work like a charm. Businesses were happy because they were generating leads and the leads were happy because they were receiving a valuable resource to consume.  With content overload becoming a real problem, generating inbound leads has become tougherContinue Reading

A sound content marketing strategy is one of the better ways a business can help shape its brand identity, garner interest from prospects, and retain an engaged audience. It lets you establish authority in your space, project legitimacy, and build trust between you and who you’re trying to reach. AsContinue Reading