Social Media Marketing

Facebook marketing is a platform that allows brands to sell their products and services to a large audience through a range of highly targeted paid ads and organic posts. As you know Facebook is not only used for connecting and interacting with your friends, but also for marketing purposes. While its popularity has diminished over […]Continue Reading

For each customer, this journey may be slightly different. Why does this matter to you as an advertiser? Because you will tweak your content, offers, verbiage, and Call to Action based on whatever stage of the customer journey your potential buyer is in.Continue Reading

The truly successful memes spread like wildfire. That’s exactly why marketers want to leverage these already viral pieces of creative for their own marketing.

Another benefit to meme marketing is that it’s low effort. Most of the work has already been done: It’s being shared all over social media and it has a clear concept. All you have to do is fit the meme to your brand and hit “post.”Continue Reading

Companies today are grappling with how to best market to consumers on various social networks. How can they better identify the types of content that will perform the best on each network? To answer that question (and better inform HubSpot’s own social strategy), HubSpot Research and the University of VirginiaContinue Reading