Management (Page 5)

This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

Having trouble attracting and retaining top talent? You’re not alone. 

With competition for talent increasing, a lot of businesses are renewing their focus on company culture and employee engagement. 

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There’s no doubt that technology has simplified the way we carry out our day-to-day routines. Computers help us do things faster, emails and text messages let us always be in touch, and the internet makes it easy to find the answer to any question with just a quick Google search.

While being constantly plugged in can make us feel safe, connected, and in-the-know — both at work and at home — it also means we never really clock out.

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George S. Patton once said: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

In business, stirring the proverbial pot can be a good thing. And while negotiating these matters can be challenging — especially when they involve our teammates or bosses — differences in opinion will often lead to progress. 

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Ever heard the term “helicopter parents”? They’re the hyper-present, overbearing parents who take pay excessively close attention to their kids’ experiences and problems.

Well, helicopter parents are to their kids what micromanagers are to the people they manage. While being engaged in your colleagues’ lives is important, micromanaging their every move can backfire.

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As they say, there’s no “I” in “team” … but there are a few in “hiring mistake.” And you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself if you make one.

Hire well and you’ll have a high performing and happy team. Hire just one wrong person, fondly known as a “hiring mistake,” and you’ll spend a lot of time and emotional energy trying to fix your team. This is why hiring is arguably the most important job of a people manager.

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Everlane isn’t like many other contemporary fashion brands.

While others’ pricing and supply chain information is shrouded in mystery, Everlane’s is completely transparent. On their website, you can see exactly how much money it takes to produce each of their products — and how much money they’re profiting. The fashion startup even devotes a whole section of the website to showcase detailed information and photos of their factories. 

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We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, different experiences that shape us, and different ways of dealing with things.

If a coworker interrupts someone in a meeting to share her exciting idea, one person might respond by shrugging it off, while another person might lash out. Still another might stay silent, but let it ruin their whole day.

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In the beginning, Wistia had just a few guys working out of an apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts. YouTube had recently launched, and the Wistia co-founders, Chris and Brendan, were determined to capitalize on the rising popularity of video. 

Growth was a little slower than they anticipated. It took them a year to make their first dollar, and then another year to sign on 10 customers.

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It’s not uncommon to feel like marketers and designers speak different languages. You have marketers focusing on the timeline, designers focusing on the creation process, and neither of them understanding where the other is coming from.

For example, less than 30% of marketers say designers are anticipating problems and following a transparent process.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

As the saying goes, people don’t leave their jobs, they leave their bosses. So if you’ve been blessed with a teamful of rockstars, you should probably make sure your management style isn’t making direct reports anxiously eye the door.

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Successfully recruiting new employees to your team is a grueling process. It can take months to find someone who’s the perfect fit for both the position and company culture — and sometimes, when the going’s really rough, it can be tempting to settle on someone who’s good … but not great.

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If you’ve ever taken a Lyft, you know the ride’s been a little different than those with other ride-sharing apps.

Your car is adorned with a bright pink mustache. You sit right up front next to the driver. You may even give them a fist bump.

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These days, it seems like everybody’s dishing out advice on company culture. 

Yet it still remains one of the most overlooked, compartmentalized, and misunderstood parts of growing a business.

So how do you make company culture into something beyond a buzzword — and actually transform the way your company operates?

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Time management is one of the hardest parts of a manager’s job.

Whether you’re managing a team, an asset of the company, or both, it’s difficult to balance your own output and the needs of your team.

Finding this balance has a lot to do with prioritization. Do you have time to make yourself available to help your team today? 

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