Data-Driven Marketing (Page 4)

“Am I spending too much time on this?”

For marketers, this isn’t an uncommon question to struggle with. And after questioning myself one too many times, I decided to conduct some research to determine how much time it takes the average marketer to complete a routine task like creating an email, building a list, organizing analytics, etc. 

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Clearly defined and closely monitored marketing metrics are critical to the success of any SaaS company. Not only do they help measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, but they also help diagnose risk and identify opportunities to accelerate growth.

How do I know? I’ve spent the last six years of my professional life tracking a small list of SaaS marketing metrics very closely — maybe even somewhat obsessively at times. 

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Every marketer faces different challenges. Although we typically share similar goals, some teams are stuck on hiring top talent, while others are having trouble finding the right technology for their needs.

Whatever the case may be, there’s always at least one area that you can stand to improve. In other words, there’s always room to optimize the various components of your strategy and turn your marketing into an even more effective revenue generator.

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Chances are, your website’s performance is high on your list of priorities. It’s an asset that works around the clock to draw in visitor, convert them, and help you hit your goals, after all. 

But have you ever stopped to wonder how your website stacks up when it comes to performance, mobile optimization, SEO, or security?

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It’s no secret that if you want to drive traffic to your website, convert that traffic into leads, and establish thought leadership, you should be publishing blog posts on a regular basis. The more often you blog, the more opportunity you have to drive traffic and leads, right?

But … when it comes to writing a new blog post, how much of a time commitment are we talking? How long should it take to write a typical blog post?

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Ever find yourself elbows deep in an Excel worksheet with seemingly no end in sight? You’re manually replicating columns and scribbling down long-form math on a scrap of paper, all while thinking to yourself, “There has to be a better way to do this.”

Truth be told, there probably is … you just don’t know it yet. Excel can be tricky that way. On one hand, it’s an exceptionally powerful tool for reporting and analyzing marketing data. On the other hand, without the proper training, it’s easy to feel like it’s working against you. 

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Spending countless hours analyzing your marketing performance every week? Sure, it’s important, but you also have to create content, manage contributors, run your marketing campaigns … the list goes on. 

What if I told you it was possible to analyze your marketing in just 15 minutes a day? 

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Have you ever wondered how much other marketers out there are making?

What about the marketers working right alongside you? How much are they making? More than you?

While discussing salaries is kind of a taboo subject in the U.S., it’s perfectly normal to be curious about how your salary compares to that of other marketers. (Trust me, we think about it too.)

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Every year, the marketing industry undergoes some serious changes. New technology emerges, people’s behaviors change, and as a result, marketers are often left with an entirely different playing field. 

To make better sense of these changes and trends, we did some research and collected insights from 4,000 marketers and salespeople. HubSpot’s new State of Inbound 2015 report is available today, and we have a ton of valuable industry data to share with you.

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Did you know that there is a certain type of blog post that makes up 10% of a blog’s repertoire, but are responsible for generating 38% of total blog traffic? If you do the math, that means just one of these special posts brings in the same amount of traffic as six regular posts.

In a recent study, we investigated these standout posts, which we call “compounding posts,” and discovered that they’re found in all types of business blogs. Yep, even yours — you just have to know how to find them.

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When most people start implementing inbound marketing, they’re primarily worried about getting enough new leads in the funnel. 

But once you have a lot of leads, you need to figure out who’s really interested in your product and who’s just starting to look around.

That’s where lead scoring comes in.

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When it comes time to assess your marketing efforts, it’s not uncommon for you to run into a ton of questions.

How are your contacts trending month over month? Was the time you spent creating social media graphics for that campaign worth it? And what about your email marketing efforts? How are those stacking up against your paid initiatives? 

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With over 270 million active global users, Twitter is a great platform for businesses to communicate with their current audience, gain new prospects, and drive traffic to their websites.

But just because lots of people are on Twitter doesn’t mean they all use it the same way. For marketers looking to drive traffic, subscribers, leads, and customers to their websites, knowing more about who uses the platform and how they use it is essential.

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Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of bad surveys. Those tend to be easier to identify than good ones. You’ve probably taken some yourself — they often have poorly worded questions and tend to drag on forever.

Good surveys, on the other hand, are forgettable. The best experience you can aim for is for the respondent to finish and think, “Well, that was tolerable.”

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