Data-Driven Marketing (Page 2)

It’s no secret that internet users are no strangers to seeking out the information they need online — in fact, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second.

And as the volume of search queries continues to climb, advertisers are recognizing an opportunity to introduce a number of different types of ads. (Think: pop-up ads, autoplaying video ads, and the dreaded mobile ad that takes up the entire phone screen.)

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Content creation is an essential part of a marketer’s day-to-day job. From drafting ebooks to promoting webinars, we have to be creative and concise with our writing in order to engage our audience.

However, finding the right words can be tough — especially when there is limited space.

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When it comes down to it, design is all about making choices. Each color, shape, line, font, text, and graphic you use will ultimately influence the message you’re trying to get across.

I’ve often been in conversations with people who know they should get better at design, but they don’t feel they have a “natural sense” for creativity.

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For as long as we can remember, newsrooms have used data to support their stories. Whether it’s elections, global warming, or Oscar predictions, writers and reporters dig deep for facts and statistics that’ll add credibility to their claims.

However, in recent years, data journalism has become the norm in almost every industry.

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With over 400 million active users, brands are quickly recognizing the need to have a presence on Instagram.

But, as with any social network, the brands that are getting the most out of Instagram are the ones who are smart about what they post, when they post, how often they post, and whom they’re targeting.

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If you’re a frequent user of Excel, there are probably a few features you’ve found yourself using over and over again in your work.

VLOOKUPs, autofilters, and conditional formatting are critical pieces of any veteran’s arsenal — and they’ve been making appearances in spreadsheets for years.

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Whether you’re writing a blog post, putting together a presentation, or working on a full-length report, using data in your content marketing strategy is a must.

Using data helps enhance your arguments by make your writing more compelling. It gives your readers context. And it helps provide support for your claims.

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Creating new content on a regular basis isn’t always easy — especially when you’re on a small team. That’s why conversion rate optimization (CRO) is such a valuable practice for marketers to master. Because with the help of CRO, you can optimize the content and pages you already have to generate new leads.

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When it comes to Excel, here’s a good rule of thumb: If you start to do something manually, it probably means there is an easier way to do it. Whether you are trying to remove duplicates, do simple calculations, or sort your data, you can almost always find a workaround that’ll help you get it done with just a click (or two) of a button. 

But if you’re not a power user, it’s easy to overlook these shortcuts.

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While it might not be as powerful as the industry standard, Microsoft Excel, Google’s online spreadsheet tool, Google Sheets, provides several other advantages. From offering more collaboration capabilities, to having a more attractive price point (re: free), it’s no wonder that more and more marketers are turning to Google Sheets for their reporting.

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By now, you probably know that today’s buyers hold all of the power when making a purchasing decision. You’re also probably aware that they’re doing some of their research online. But have you really adapted your marketing plan to match the way today’s customers shop and buy?

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Many organizations know that building a brand identity is critical for any business. That brand identity includes what your brand says and what its values are. But how many of these organizations actually deliver on their brand promise?

Not nearly enough, according to a study on brand experience by Brandworkz and CIM. The study surveyed 2,200 marketing leaders all over the world about the challenges, opportunities, and best practices for aligning brand promise and customer experience.

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A well-executed survey has the power to uncover insights that you can use to hone your strategy, shape your product, gauge customer satisfaction, and more. 

While it’s temping to share your findings right away, sometimes it’s better to pause and reflect. By taking time to find the story in your data, you might find a way to share your findings that is far more valuable than a bunch of jumbled stats and takeaways. 

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