Social Media (Page 5)

The last time I went on vacation, Facebook and Instagram announced two big product changes that I was left scrambling to catch up on when I returned. Know the feeling? If you work in social media marketing, my guess is you know it all too well. Social media is constantlyContinue Reading

Today’s marketplace is saturated with so many brands that getting your voice heard above all the noise is akin to completing a Herculean Labor. If that’s not bad enough, you also have just as many new businesses trying to make their own mark in the already cluttered environment we callContinue Reading

Social media is no longer an optional marketing channel — it’s a necessary one. But that doesn’t mean results are a given. When it comes to social media, you’ll either have a lot of success interacting with your customers, or you’ll see little results — and that depends on theContinue Reading

With all the algorithm updates, changing content preferences, and memes sprouting up on social media, it can be more challenging to adapt your marketing strategy to the channel than it was acclimating to the awkwardness of puberty. Despite its perpetual evolution, though, social media will always have one constant —Continue Reading

In 2019, at least 80% of time spent online will involve either watching or sharing a video. Eighty percent. Put another way, eight out of every ten people you see on the subway, in the gym, or waiting for a table at a restaurant on their phones could be inContinue Reading

You can find yourself in a tough spot when you want to engage customers online but are held back by limited resources. Taking a strategic approach to small business loans can help you get over financial hurdles by creating a low-risk cash pipeline. Short-term working capital loans help you overcomeContinue Reading

Today, there are over three billion active social media users. This implies that about 40 percent of the world’s population is actively using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and other social platforms. The next implication is that your target audience is most likely among these users. And thus, to getContinue Reading

In a world where the phrase “pics or it didn’t happen” is a widespread mantra, people of all ages are sharing a wide range of information about themselves on social media.

Of course, social media websites were designed to encourage sharing. Many of us spend a large chunk of our days sharing lots of professional information on social, whether we’re managing our company’s Facebook account or tweeting pictures of the event we’re attending.

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Facebook added a very handy feature in December 2014: the option to place a simple call-to-action button at the top of your Facebook Page. While only available to select businesses at first, Facebook has recently started to roll it out to the U.S. and the rest of the world.
The CTA’s functionality is pretty simple: You choose from seven pre-made button options (“Sign Up,” “Shop Now,” “Contact Us,” “Book Now,” “Use App,” Watch Video,” and “Play Game”) and link it to any website you want.Continue Reading

If you`re a social media manager, salesperson, customer support rep, or executive, you’ve likely experienced social media overload or exhaustion. Each and every one of these roles requires busy people to go above and beyond to respond to fans, deal with people’s problems, or dig deeper to find unique opportunities.Continue Reading

12 Clever Ways to Use More Visuals on Social Media

If there is one thing you should try to do to increase the impact of your social media, it’s adding visual marketing to your posts. At the simplest level, that means that every post should contain a graphic or video. While that sounds like a lot of work, it can have aContinue Reading